
Welcome to the fourth issue of Admiral Bombow's Chronicles. This month's issue contains the first artistic contribution to our newsletter, a beautiful pencil drawing of the elusive woodnymph. Please check out our feature page that contains a reproduction of this piece (the 11"x14" original is in my possession) along with my musings about the solitary existence of the woodnymph herself.

This month also marks the arrival of a new coloumn: the Tearoom Tatters is written by an anonymous mortal contributor. The plan is to alternate between this and Admiral Bombow's Hint Line, which will return to the Chronicles' pages next month.

Once again, I must apologise for an issue that is rather late. You can read about my adventures with cats, operating system upgrades, and mother-in-laws in my personal coloumn, sysop@mud2.com. Incidentally, this address is again functional; it was briefly out of service while I scrambled to figure out how to convince the Internet's infamous sendmail software package to accept mail for multiple domains. Hopefully, the only mail that got lost were dreadful criticisms of this newsletter that I wouldn't want to read anyway!

Viktor the arch-wizard

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This Web page copyright © 1997 Viktor T. Toth
MUD2 is copyright © 1997 Multi-User Entertainment Limited
Page last modified: September 17, 1997